Is your team good enough to qualify for the Estonian Startup Visa?

Did you know that 23% of the Start-Ups fail because they do not have the right team? 

There is no such thing as a solo entrepreneur. Nobody who’s ever scaled a business from the ground up did it alone. The people you choose to work with could make or break your business. The right people can set your business up for massive success and the wrong people can drive your business into the ground. 

The backbone of your Start-Up’s success is the team who make it. When it comes to building a powerhouse team, you need the All-Stars to get your business off the ground.

You want to build a team that’s capable of accomplishing things instead of just spouting off ideas. Hiring qualified people for your startup isn’t enough, either. 65% of Start-Ups fail due to management issues. It is the execution that transforms an idea into a legitimate, revenue-generating business. So, you must have team members with the agility to deal with problems quickly and efficiently. With the competitive nature of business, you also need resourceful people. The ability to innovate and to come up with creative solutions is a critical asset. You need to put your team in a position to succeed.

The Estonian Startup Visa committee is looking for teams that will not sink the startup. In the dynamic world of startups, everything tends to move fast. As your startup transitions from one phase to the next, the need to scale up is inevitable and your startup team should be on board with you on this journey. The Committee will evaluate the founding members, their experience and expertise in the domain they will be working for. 

The applications of startup teams with diverse skills and experience are thought to be essential for growth in the long haul. Ideally, each member exhibits the right balance between hard and soft skills. They must be experts at what they do (e.g., programming, project management, content writing, etc.) and have the right attitude to back it up. They must thrive in a fast-paced environment and learn quickly as they go along. Are they problem solvers? Can they spot problems and create solutions using the resources that they have? You want team members who can get the job done and are a perfect fit for your startup’s culture. By sharing your startup vision, you attract the best candidates with the same goals. Additionally, having an ongoing discussion about your future goals with your startup team helps everyone to stay on the same page and prepare for changes when necessary.

When we interview the Estonian Startup Visa candidates, we give immense importance to trying to understand the team members, their qualifications, their experience and see what they do together. If we feel that the team will succeed, then we process the application!

Book a free 30-minute call with Silva Hunt to find out if we can help your team with the Estonian Startup Visa.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes