Book your tailored tax advice now for a lump sum of 450€ (+VAT).
This includes a consultation with our tax expert, Ms. Andra Larin covering cross-border taxation aspects of 2 countries, preparation time and 1-hour video call. If your construct includes more than 2 countries, kindly write and we’ll give you a quote according to your case.
This is a tailored consultation, where we will advise on specific solutions relevant for your given situation and business case.
Some examples of questions we can help you with:
- How are e-Residents having a company in Estonia but living abroad taxed in either country?
- How is double-taxation avoided?
- Will there be a permanent establishment in my country of residence?
- Would I be subject to CFC rules?
- How to structure my holding and active companies?
- What are Estonia´s advantages over some of the other jurisdictions?