SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle)

What is an SPV and what are the benefits of an Estonian SPV?

A SPV, or Special Purpose Vehicle, is an Estonian legal entity that is created for a specific, limited purpose. It is often used in business and finance to isolate financial risk and to facilitate the financing of a specific project or investment.
set up company in estonia with e-Residency

Why set up an Estonian Business with e-Residency?

Here are Silva Hunt’s top 5 reasons why your business will benefit from joining Estonia’s e-Residency programme:
ecommerce emerging trends 2023
Changes to Estonian commercial code, Estonian business law changes

Estonian Commercial Code in 2023 & 2024: Changes are coming!

Running a business in Estonia is about to get even easier with some major Estonian business law changes coming into force from 1st February and later on in 2024!
e-Services for e-Residents Estonia

Available business support e-services for e-Resident entrepreneurs in Estonia

Here’s an overview of the most commonly used e-services available to e-residents, looking to launch their start-up businesses in Estonia.

3 Easy Steps to Switching Service Providers for e-Residency Companies in Estonia

Finding the right service provider for your e-Residency company can help you save valuable time and earn you more money. If you are ready to switch to a new service provider, then firstly, we can confirm that YES, it is possible to switch!...…

How e-Residents can open an Interactive Brokers account for their Estonian business

This post about opening an Interactive brokers (IBKR) account for businesses is a guest post by our partner Thomas Heyden from Systrade AG, one of the leading Introducing Brokers of IBKR and a specialist in brokerage and asset management…

Introducing Invest in Estonia: Helping potential and existing investors unlock opportunities

Estonia regularly hits the headlines as a country which offers excellent advice and opportunities for businesses. You may have read about solutions like e-Residency or the exemplary support for start-up growth and investment. Invest in Estonia…

New Estonian cryptocurrency licensing laws – What you must do to comply

Once an industry that was used to operating with minimal government guidelines, cryptocurrency licensing in Estonia now has complex new laws coming into force. Here, Silva Hunt explores some of the new rules, taking you through the requirements…